Sure enough...

Dr Jones' friend has come through! The folks at MD Anderson Cancer Center phoned, made an appointment, told me all the info I needed, how long I could expect to stay, numbers for hotels and discount rates for patients and shuttle information. They told me what paperwork to bring and gave me numbers to call if I needed help or had questions.

And, unfortunately for the UCSF folks, this is in direct contrast to the way they did things. I had to make all the original phone calls myself, wait days to hear from them because they wanted to check with my doc and see my records first. Then when I did talk to them, their accents were so strong, I was forced to use the most basic of English to prevent them misunderstanding me and had to listen with all my might to have half a clue what they said back to me. So...

Now I'm in a quandary. My wonderful doctor wants to send me to CA to a doc whom she respects and can communicate with as far as treatment plans in future, but MD Anderson is now calling and I'm impressed with their customer service. *sigh* But as many of you mentioned in the last post (and Beth, I love your dream! Have you had a vision of who won so I know where to go?) it's probably good to have two places to choose from versus nowhere to go.

Important info: my gene test came back negative!!!! What does this mean? Well, it means I did NOT inherit some mutant gene that causes me to get lots of cancers and my sis and bro don't have to worry about also carrying this evil gene. Please, everyone, join me in cheers of relief - we finally got good news about something!!

And more important info: I'm over 2 weeks out of my chemo dose and my hair's still on! Check it out... cool, eh??

Oh and how about this?! Only in Wyoming might a bride pile her wedding party into the back of a pick-up truck and run through a drive-up liquor after her wedding:


Anonymous said...

What decisions with the dr. news! I'm sure it's hard to know what to do, but like you's great that you have choices! Your hair looks so pretty! And the wedding picture is classic. ha! I recently read a magazine that had all kinds of wedding statistics and unusual weddings, etc...they need to include this one!!! :o)

Anonymous said...

I agree with Mo! Your hair looks beautiful! :) I think it seems even MORE beautiful because IT'S THERE!!!! *heehee* ;)

As to the choice of doctors...good luck. My advice (because I'm sure no one else ever offers you any advice ;) is to go with your gut. Maybe one doc has a friend at one place, but the customer service is great at another. It's kind of a comfort to know that your words are being understood, and that you will be taken care of. Also, weren't both places recommended by doctors in town? Really, I don't think you can go wrong with either, but I also think that you have to go with what you feel the MOST comfortable with! With my experience, things just clicked into place and away we went through treatment and such. You need to have the same ease, I think, with the process. I always feel for people that don't, for whatever reason that may be. Sometimes it may as simple as they don't have any choice.

Thinkin' of ya!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and as always, throw this new bit on the table with your doc. She might have more to offer as far as insight with what to do. I write this because I went back and read your earlier post on what she said in regards to MD Anderson. Maybe she didn't have the best experience, but it's not to say that you won't. It would be interesting to know just how MUCH interaction she's had with MD. I'm not challenging her opinion or anything, but maybe she spoke to someone that day who was having a REALLY bad day. You just never know, huh? :)

Anonymous said...

In my humble opinion...hmm-hmmm, I know some very sweet folks in the south Houston area who would just LOVE fussing over you, not to mention the "friends" there I that I don't know! My sweet parents are only 50 min. or so from the MD Anderson hospital and I know my mother is "keeping tabs" on you right now...anxiously waiting to hear so she can hurry up and get on the bandwagon, etc. Good luck and I know that all decisions have been difficult and I'm just thankful that you have prospects and options! We're glad to hand out our praises of you to anyone interested! :)LW

Emily said...

*Applause!* I'm so happy to hear the great results on the gene test, that's such a nasty one since it doesn't just affect you. And what a frustrating choice to have to make between two docs. There's never a right answer that anyone can give you except YOU! Glad to hear good news, and just know that there's a lot of love coming your way!

Unknown said...

Was your hair that curly before? It is awfully pretty!! The wedding picture is too funny - hope it wasn't anyone you knew. :) And good luck with your decision. I am glad you have options, but know it makes the decision a bit hard. Does Andy have a quarter in his pocket you could borrow and flip? :) Much love, Michelle B

Anonymous said...

Well three cheers about the gene test for sure!!! Ahh, this decision is going to be a tough one and I have no advice at all. I just feel confident you will make the right choice!
You are so blessed to have curly is beautiful!! Such ease to care for....wash, towel dry and finger comb....presto, gorgeous curly locks!!

Love you bunches, Renee in NE

Anonymous said...

What good news about the gene test. Decisionsto make now. I wish I had advice but I don't so will just wish you wisdom in your choice and know we are there with you in heart.
Love Retha

Anonymous said...

Eeenie, Meenie, Minie, Mo......

Does that help?:)

OK, probably not - but WOW! What a huge decision to make! We do know for sure that under that beautiful head of hair you're sporting, there is a very sound mind that knows a lot of medical "stuff" that will help you make the decision, as well as knowing yourself and your situation well enough to make the best decision!! So, go for it - we're all cheering you on!!
Lots of love & care!
Justin, Mel, Wade, Callie & Amy

Kate said...

I wanted to tell you how much I love your quote at the top of you blog! :)
I am going to write it down...that is a keeper.
I have to agree with everyone else and say that your hair is lovely.
And I look forward to hearing what you decide to do...we are sure thinking about you.

andy and michelle said...

Thank you, Kate. I love that quote too. Somehow keeps things in perspective and stops the whining and the 'why me's'. *smile*