thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you =)

Oh what grandness to hear from so many of you! I promise you, it is such an encouragement to read notes from supporters. (So keep it up if you can. And if you haven't written yet, you still should. *smile)
As for my health - I don't know much I didn't know before. I'm waiting for a second opinion on the reading of the CT scan and then a plan of action. It will probably primarily include chemotherapy (new drug since the first ones weren't effective) that will hold up tumor growth, and possibly surgery. They do want to continue to be aggressive due to my (relatively =)) young age and otherwise good health. I shall keep posting as I know more, but I am feeling very, very good and am as happy and contented as ever. Those aren't just words - - we really are doing well. Probably largely thanks to all of you and your many thoughts our way.

Here's a beautiful photo I took today. I think he was posing. He stayed here for ages...

We had the funniest experience last night. Some person stops outside our driveway and turns off their headlights at about 10:45 pm. We're thinking, 'hmmm, this is ODD... and potentially not good." So out we go to investigate and we find:
A scantily clad man with a prosthetic leg who was under the influence of many questionable substances by the look and smell of him, stumbling around in the dark near his RV which is now at an extremely perilous 45-degree angle in the ditch outside our house. It's maintaining its precarious balance only by the amount of mud, dirt and weeds that is piled along the down side of the vehicle. When we arrive he tells us, "wow, these things can sure get kinda rough to handle after you've 'had a few'. I just couldn't quite make the corner there!"
[Important side note: this is no 'corner there'. We're on a very straight section of the road, so his recently ingested substances were evidently causing him some confusion or hallucinations.]

He is screaming (literally) at his wife/girlfriend/slave/pet telling her it's her fault somehow. (Maybe because she keeps saying, 'the reason you didn't make the turn is because there WASN'T one' and this angers him more every second, until submissive silence finally overcomes her drunken stubborness.)

[Fast forward or this story could go on forever... ] After he's told it really wouldn't be a good idea to try to pull the RV out in the middle of the night in his ... um... "poor mental state", this is his drunken response: "Oh! I know !!! Why don't we instead just roll it CLEAR over. Onto its wheels!!!"
Why what brilliance! Now there, folks, is a man with a plan! I look at him and I think, why on earth did I marry dear Andy when there are such flawless specimens out there waiting to be caught?!

[Another side note] Andy just asked me what I was typing and when I told him he says, 'tell them about the part where I beat the guy up for driving drunk and gave him an invitation to meeting'
hee hee. =) But what he actually said this morning after he helped them get out was even better. Instead of allowing the guy to pay him he said, "Mister, I don't want your money. I just want you to tell me that you will never come around here again. This is where I raise my family and if I do see you anywhere near here, I will call the police". Gotta love these wonderful hubbies!

Here's a photo of Andy's assistance with their morning's rescue. It'll give you a bit of an appreciation for our excitement and maybe you can see a little of how straight the road is in front of our place. The foreground is just our little driveway, not the main road. Yippee!! Never a dull moment. =)


Anonymous said...

Now THAT is some interesting even more interesting experience. I had to chuckle all the way through this wonderfully written episode of your interesting evening...and morning. The picture most definitely shows how precarious the RV was sitting. To think the druken sop thought he could push it on over onto it's wheels. That is bizarre! I loved Andy's response to his offer to pay him!!
Sure think about you every day..know you will tackle this just like you did the other time, with your sense of humor, upbeat attitude, resilence, and love for the most important things in life. Keep us all posted on what the docs decide on plan of action. I love your blog!!! (By the way, what does blog stand for?...I mean is it an acronym?) Much love, Renee in NE

Anonymous said...

Oh, yes, forgot to mention the butterfly pix! Stunning!!

Anonymous said...

Now that my office mates are thinking I have lost my mind because accounting can never be so funny that you laugh out loud, I must settle down and try to get back to work. Thanks for the humor break! Maybe Andy should have told me that payment could have been coming to meeting:) Actually, I rather think his response was quite appropriate.

Anonymous said...

Those unfortunate folks were fortunate to have the kindness you gave them...and they weren't even off the reservation?! :) I get nervous about stranded ones out here...but it would definitely be different RIGHT in front of the house! Great story and glad you're all safe and sound! LW

Anonymous said...

Oh, good grief!! This story made me laugh OUT LOUD!! Thanks for sharing the experience and adding some humor to the hour. :)

Mo and I are off to Dagmar conv (yippee!!) so I will catch up with your blog when I get back! Be strong, my friend!! :o) I'll share some gems from convention with you when I return. That will be SURE to boost your spirits even more! :)

Anonymous said...

Too funny! Free entertainment around there, huh? :) I laughed so hard at the idea of rolling it over - sounds like this man is straight out of one of Jeff Foxworthy's stories. :) Have a great day!

Jocelyn said...

That is pretty funny. Kudos to Andy for telling him off (rather nicely in my estimation). Love the butterfly picture.

ant Vik said...

Now that is quite a contrast, pretty butterfly and drunken, dopey man, with half turned over RV. :-)
I am still giggling at the story! Andy sure did have a good come back.

Linda said...

Our thoughts so often go your way, Michelle and Andy. Life gives us twists we don't expect, but you two do a great job of keeping encouraged and positive. Your blog is an encouragement to read and it has the added benefit of beautiful pictures!!! We look forward to Chugwater and it would be great if you could join us for the weekend.Linda L

Anonymous said...

A-MAZING!:) Wow, what an interesting experience right in your front yard nontheless!:) Never a dull moment there, aye? We love your stories, you have a great way of putting experiences into words - and we're still laughing at the comment about why did you settle on Andy when there are so many fine specimens out there!:)
Awesome butterfly picture too - now that your camera is working, don't be shy about putting lots of pics on when you get a chance!
Miss you!!!
Justin, Mel & kiddos

Jill said...

Hey- great pics and stories! We all need a good laugh now and again! Our thoughts go to you often, stay encouraged, as you do a great job of encouraging all of us! Sometimes i wish i could do more for other people, but i know to stay upright and encouraged ourselves is a full time job and is encouraging to others also. You do a great job of it. Take care- love from this corner- jill and family

Mel B Marvis said...

I thought I would say "Hi" and not be a lurker. I've never met you, but I've heard many stories and seen many pictures through Anna, so it seems like I have. :-) Good luck with the cancer battle.