We Have Returned

Our internet is back!!! Hoo-Rah! So here I am with a post although there's nothing much new here... Oh, well, I did hear about my latest CA-125 and it came down to 268 from 349 after 1 more Doxil dose. And since Doxil isn't known for great drops in CA-125, I'm glad for any number in the downward direction. Quite a change though, from the results after the first round of Carboplatinum and Taxol (the kinds of chemo I got last year) when it dropped to 17. We still talk about the "17-dance" around here - - the one I did when I got the phone call with that result. It was quite a show. =)

Folks have been asking about my hair, so I'll put a few pics here. Everyone should be prepared though, for the next kind of chemo to cause me to lose it again. Only a few kinds of chemo DON'T cause hair loss, so can't imagine I'll be this lucky forever. Ah well - I'll just appreciate it while I have it and when it falls out again I'll buy more hats and wigs, just for fun. Just think, all you men out there, one more thing for the women to shop for and accessorize with. Yay.
For now though, here's a shot from the back:
And from the top. I think I look like I'm wearing an Annie wig.

Here's one of Andy Farmin' the Home Place:

And then here's a photo proving how good I felt today. I'm testing out an 18-year-old mare a friend is trying to sell us. She's the fastest moving horse I think I've ever ridden. She was a cutter and a barrel horse (hmmm... maybe many of you don't know what that is. If not, let me know) and if you're not careful she'll spin around sideways, right out from underneath you. Plus she has one speed: FAST. What we work on is staying at a trot without breaking into a lope. She honestly doesn't know how. But give me a movin' horse any day. The slow ones drive me mad.

Good days everyone!!!


Anonymous said...

Yay!! Welcome back!! :) Thanks for the pictures, too. Love the hair! :) It's so curly and pretty! :)

I wish, though, that I could have clicked on the picture of you on the horse to make it larger...I would have LOVED to look closer at the expression on your face. ;)

See ya!

Anonymous said...

I, like Jen, tried to click on the picture of you horseback to see better. :) It doesn't matter - it was easy to see that you were feeling good and had a smile on. Mom used to say (and her mom before her) that the outside of a horse is good for the inside of a person. I'm glad you're feeling good enough to prove that! Your hair is beautiful! Has it always been that curly??
Glad you are back in business with the internet...we missed you! :)

andy and michelle said...

How come my pictures don't get larger when you click on them? Guess I need some technical support... HELP, folks! =)

And no, my hair wasn't nearly this curly before. Isn't that weird?!

Anonymous said...

Well, I clicked to enlarge it, too!! how goofy is that? But anyway, it's not hard to tell you were in your element! I think that is so cool that you love horses as much as your hubby...maybe more, who knows? Was today another dreaded-doxol-dose-day? How simply encouraging to know your numbers dropped again!! Ya-hoo!! It was just great to check your blog and find a new and smile provoking post!
Love, Renee

Anonymous said...

Oh, Jeepers, I re-read this and it sounds like I'm suggesting you might love horses more than you love Andy Ray...that is NOT what I meant. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Michelle! You asked for technical help and I'm not 100% sure, but I find that when I load pictures choosing either the left, center or right placement and THEN I move them around, it won't allow people to click on them to enlarge them.

HOWEVER...I'm finding that if you choose the "None" option on the far left (as far as placement of the picture -- left, center, right, or none), you can still move them around AND it still allows people to click on them to enlarge them. Doing it that way is a LOT easier than placing them exactly in order!

Make sense?

Anonymous said...

Evening folks, I'm glad to check in and see that things medically are going in the right direction. Also, what a lovely head of curls...how pretty. I did enjoy your rolling slide show...just fun and relaxing to sit and watch it. Linda

Anonymous said...

Hello again! I just checked your blog because I'm back in a wireless home, and I see you're back in the wireless world too! Thank goodness! I LOVE the pictures of your hair and of the slide show! I wonder if you decided to buy the mare?

Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle, I'm Jen Martin's mom and I, too, check out your blog. It's great to see your hair...looks "loverly"! I keep praying for you, so hang tuff! Love the slide show...awesome!! Chari