I hate 4-wheelers

Hate 'em, hate 'em, hate 'em.

And here's why...

I saw my life flash before my eyes this week...

Because no one except a rodeo clown should ever have this view of bovine inner nostrils and, (what is that?), bovine nasal drip??? Hmmm. Again - normal folks should just not have to have this vision, I tell you! (But since I did, you have to too.)

Yep - give me my horse any day. He moves. He spins... (which is a totally unheard-of concept when it comes to 4-wheelers unless you want to tear your shoulder out and tip the thing over in the process). He has a brain that says, 'I am bigger than this cow and I will NOT let her plow me over. Plus, you don't feel like you're sitting on the ground, looking up into cow nostrils. Ugh.

Yeah, this old girl decided that it wasn't important that Andy Ray had her calf in a death grip on the back of the 4-wheeler. Oh no, she's way too smart for that. She decided the solution to getting her calf back on the ground where he belonged was to ram the 4-wheeler from the FRONT, slow me down, knock us off, then run us over and reclaim her little one. Here she is, huffing at me... you can even see the snort. Woo-hoo, never a dull moment on the Snelling Ranch.

Here's me on Monday - the day I got my port placed and my biopsy done. I have no idea what drug they gave me, but I'm going to avoid it at all costs in the future. I was wiped. Out. My brain was so fogged over I couldn't process the simplest thing, the "down" valve into my stomach wasn't working but unfortunately the "up" one worked overly well. Ugh. I couldn't open both eyes at the same time - just had to sort of trade off in order to pretend I was listening to people. I still can't believe the nurse thought I was paying attention to her discharge instructions. I wasn't even in the same room. :)

As far as chemo doses - sounds like my Casper doc is hoping to get my first dose by Monday. NOT what we had in mind when they said 'get started soon', but we'll take what we can get I guess. Maybe we should move to Denver....

And here's another irresistable pet moment to make you smile. I am taking everyone seriously about making a pet calendar - what a grand idea. The homemade ones are a touch cheesy, so I'm working at finding a good company that doesn't charge an arm and a leg to make them. Maybe ya'll can have some 2009 calendars from Snelling Ranch if you're interested in them. I'll keep you posted. Last time it was Tommy and Sam - here it's Louis and Sage taking a snooze...


Traci K said...

I want a calendar! Love the way the cats are watching over you as you snooze! As for that mean cow, I think I'd go eat a hamburger right in front of her and warn her that she'll be in the next one if she's not nice to people on 4 wheelers!

Anonymous said...

I want a calendar, too!!! :) And your cats...it cracked me up to see that they just came and laid on/over you while you were out of commission. Will that be one of the photos on the calendar, too? ha! :o) just kidding. :) But, cats are so funny, aren't they?

I agree with the comment from "tx to you"...eat hamburger in front of that fat 'ol cow. That'll teach 'er. *laugh*

Anonymous said...

I love it - you guys made me laugh out loud! I shall have to march outside with a nice juicy hamburger right this minute.

Thanks for the chuckles. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed that as she was trying to take you, you were taking her picture!! I bet that made her feel a bit foolish, aye? If only she knew that now she's on the ol' blog and we're all laughing at her!!:)
The calendar idea is one worth pursuing -- but you could do more than just an animal one, how about a ranch scenes one? The possibilities are endless with your awesome photography! I was looking at the side pictures and that one of the cat yawning is priceless!!!
Yuck! We're sorry to hear how out of it that drug made you! But, I have to say that we're glad you share it with us - your description of such things is usually hilarious! Like the fact that you weren't even in the same room as the nurse giving you discharge instructions!:)
Hang in there, and thanks for taking time to keep us all updated and entertained!!
Keeping your sense of humor about it all is a very good thing!

By the way, Justin got a huge laugh out of the post you put on for he and Monte!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I meant to tell you we love the new picture of "The Team!"

Anonymous said...

Oooof-da...that cow had protect-my-baby-instincts working overtime! Did she actually RAM the four wheeler? I'da been scared to death..sounds like you may have been too, but not so much so that you didn't have presence of mind to take a picture...how'd you do that anyway? Drive...holler at the cow...tell Andy Ray to hang on...AND take a picture..you were multi-tasking that day...unlike the day you had the port put in...any sort of "tasking" didn't sound possible that day. Poor thing..I am so glad you have cats that love you enough to offer their moral support and warm bodies to help you get well!

Add my order to the calendar...I think this picture is even better than the other one...his head is smooshed into the cat's belly and she is loving it. You have incredible pets!

One more thing...will your chemo sessions take place in Casper this time?

Tight hugs, Renee

Anonymous said...

NOPE ~~ Webster STILL hasn't come up with the right words to tell you how much we all appreciate your sharing these "daze" with us...nor are we able to express just how VERY MUCH we care!
We love being a part of your blog-family ~~ Thanks for making it happen!
Hmmmm ~ I just wonder if you can possibly guess what I'll be thinking of the next time I eat a Quarter Pounder!!! Too funny!
Thanks for being you...
Don & Jeanie P

Kate said...

Chris hates 4-wheelers too! However, sometimes he has to use one. :)
I would love to buy a pet calender. I love Michelle's idea about eating the hamburger in front of Miss priss...man we haven't even started calving yet!!! Your pictures remind me of what we are getting ready to begin. :)

However, I always feel a slight bit of compassion for the mama cow! I think if someone had my baby I might act the very same way. :) We are thinking of you, and so glad that you are back home with some hopeful news!

Anonymous said...

Oh my word, that cow nose is WAY to close for comfort! Yuck!

Anonymous said...

ewww Cow nose drippings is too much for me. I see way too much of first grade nose drippings to appreciate this one. I can't imagine how you ever got a picture up that close if the cow was after her baby and charging you. You have way too much presence of mind. Obviously was taken before the drug that made it hard to open both eyes at once.
Put my order in for the pet calendar. Add your comments with them as that seems to make the pictures.
Will you be coming to Casper for your chemo? Let us know if you need a place to crash, a snack, a meal, someone to sit and chat with you, anything. We are here and would love to do for you if at all possible.

ant Vik said...

Michelle, it is wonderful to see that priceless sence of humor, no matter what is thrown your way, be it cow or cancer. :-)

I want a calander too. Also want to echo the vote for more than just animal pics. Love the scenery, and people ones too.

Great new pic of you and Andy!!

Thanks for the update.

Beth said...

That is too funny and you got pictures - way to go!!! Thinking of you as you are going through chemo again!!!

By the way - if you want calendars made out of your own pictures, go to www.vistaprint.com. I will warn you - you get a lot of emails, but they have great stuff. This is where we get business cards for my husband's business, I've ordered notecards, stamps, and I ordered 2 calendars with pics of my girls on them for my grandma and mom and they both went on and on about how nice they were. Not sure the exact cost b/c I got mine for free - you can catch a lot of stuff for free from them (just pay shipping)! Check it out if you can!

Anonymous said...

Greetings again from up north, and appreciate your positive spirit about everything! Your pictures are great, I agree a calendar would be great. Nolan always asks to see the animal pictures--he really likes the video or Andy riding.

Anonymous said...

Oh my!!! The whole cow thing made me glad I don't spend a whole lot of time with cows!! :) I'm glad you were both okay! I am putting in my order for one of your calendars and think you should also write a book!! I would put my order in for that too!!! You have a way of writing that is simply amazing!! Hope you are feeling better and you have good days ahead!! Love and Hugs!! Janet

Anonymous said...

Oh my, Michelle, and to think you were snapping pictures of Old Bessie the whole time she was snorting away!!!! That wasn't funny at the time, but it is a funny story for us to read!! A calendar of your pictures sounds great. Just not long ago I took the time to look through all of your pictures and there were so many I really, really enjoyed. You could make a fun calendar for all to enjoy. Our thoughts sure go your way as you start another round of chemo. I know you probably don't always have time or feel like making new reports on your blog, but we do like to know how it goes. We do think of you all so often. Take care. Linda

Anonymous said...

U get so many posts I'm wondering about adding more>>>but, you are so wonderful at keeping a blog, just wanted to tell you so and would love a calendar! I agree on the cow thing...but then I don't do cows either! We're thinking of you going through with all those drugs!! Luv ya! Garland and Lorna

Anonymous said...

I am impressed that we get actual FOOTAGE of this event rather than you telling us about it in words - now there is a girl who has her camera ready when she needs it!

I guess tomorrow is when you start chemo? I hope it will be nicer to you than that awful drug that left you feeling so crummy!

The J's said...

I really can hardly belive you got those pictures in the middle of all that! And, sounds like the calendars are certinally a hot want item! I'd sure love one, your pictures are all wonderful.
Wishing you well thoughts in the days to come. You are a true inspiration!

Anonymous said...

I am quite impressed...this is skill of a true "rodeo" photographer!! I'm glad you didn't get any bumps or bruises!! Sorry about the meds and good luck with MORE... I just hope they are easier on you then the other!! We love the "TEAM" picture too! I have something quite similar to that hanging with my pictures too! :) Take special care and thanks for such entertaining posts! LW

Anonymous said...

As you recover Prayers are being answered from all over this great country. I will come join you for a burger (evil grin) with a big wink!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe we could just get you a Taser! Those cows would have Reverance! Hang in there Michelle!
Dave W.

Anonymous said...

I Can't add much to these great comments, but just to let you know we're thinking of you. If you need something when your in Denver, call! Take good care both of you- Jill